Communion on the hand or the tongue? Kneeling or standing? Deacon Pedro addresses these and more issues in this 11th part of his series on the Mass. more
In celebration of World Statistics Day, Fr. Matt Gworek offers some fun and fascinating statistics about our awesome Church and the people within it. more
Read the full text of the intervention given at the synod by S+L's Julian Paparella. more
Dancing nuns, a second video from Pope Francis, a message from Cardinal Lacroix, and what happens when God calls your boyfriend to the priesthood. more
Read about Vocation Myth #2 in which Kristina Glicksman discusses whether or not laypeople should have access to spiritual direction. more
In this #TFI Moment, Franciscan Fr. Dan Horan explores how Pope Francis follows the example of his namesake: St. Francis of Assisi. more
Today, the Cannabis Act came into effect, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in Canada. Read the official statement of the Canadian bishops here. more
This week at the synod, the 14 small language groups have presented reports on discussions about vocation and discernment. Read them here. more
Quick: tell me your favourite thing about St. Agileus. St. Cannatus? St. Fortunatus? St. Thecla? Fr. Matt Gworek explores the wonderful variety of saints. more
In part 10 of this series on the Mass, Deacon Pedro explores the Communion Rite, which includes the Lord's Prayer and the Lamb of God. more